Saturday, May 1, 2010

Living Life on the Red Carpet

Pregnancy is Red Carpet worthy. It is not just for celebrities, but for me and every other pregnant woman in the world. As you can see, here’s a picture of the “reserved” sign where my car was parked.

Not every shopping mall has reserved parking for expecting mothers. Even on the bus, not every bus recorded announcer asks riders to yield their seat to expecting mothers. I found these certain places and routes, like certain shopping malls and certain bus routes, to be the most pleasurable. Pregnancy is an investment. I invested, in not only in my twin boys, but my appearance. Pregnancy is not the time to invest less. If anything, it should be over the top, if there's such a thing, when you're carrying another life or lives. I learned about a doctor in France, some years ago, who designed a maternity care unit that focused his pregnant patients on being happy and emotionally pampered. A visit to his unit would consist of bringing pregnant women together with the staff to sit around the piano and sing, eat sardines and blueberries, drink cranberry juice, and talk to each other. I'm sure you can imagine how different their visits looked for both the staff and the women. I shifted my focus from complications, high risks, advanced maternal age of a multiple pregnancy to empowerment and taking pictures of myself with nature. I also participated in theater productions, took strolls downtown, and went on carriage rides.

These activities drove away anxieties and negativity. That’s why I can say, it took me about two years to identify my tragedy. One of the most emotional things for a woman is to get a "negative" report when she has dreamed of pregnancy. Pregnancy tests were designed for the purpose of increasing the option and time of terminating a pregnancy and not to insure that the pregnancy would be healthy. Many women upon seeing the pink line would then stop smoking, stop drinking, get rest, drink water, eat healthier, and take care. We must move beyond this place of relying on test results to warn us of changing our lifestyle to prepare for a new life. We must live to the point that life can come forth at any moment now. Just two questions for you. What can happen for you at any moment now? What will happen if you begin to live your life on the Red Carpet without the paparazzi?